Contact Information

  • Name:Zhenghong Yang
  • Phone: +8613601873821
  • Fax: 02165982885
  • Email:
  • Personal home page:
  • Title:

Research Fields:

Light weight aggregate concrete (LWAC);

Artificial stone (ultrahigh performance concrete);

Exterior thermal insulation materials;

Marine engineering concrete (durability).


Current Courses:

Fundamentals of building materials science




1.The 13th five-year national key research and development project: Research on improvement, imitation and application technology of traditional building materials in villages and towns. 2018YFD1101002,2018/12-2022/12.
2.Research project from Shanghai science and technology commission: Study on safety performance evaluation and disaster prevention of external walls in special region. 17DZ1200303,2017/7-2019/11.
3.The 13th five-year national key research and development project: Key technologies of Preparation of green building by using bentonite or other regional raw materials, 2016YFC0701004, 2016/7-2020/06.






1.Huang L, Yu L, Zhang H, Yang Z*. Composition and microstructure of 50-year lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) from Nanjing Yangtze River bridge (NYRB). Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 216: 390–404.
2.Huang L, Song W, Li H, Yang Z*. Effects of aphthitalite on the formation of clinker minerals and hydration properties[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 183: 275-282.
3.Yang, Z.H; Zhu, K. Chen, X. et. al. The deformation of the Rock wool board external thermal insulation system based on coupled temperature and relative humidity. 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, Materials and Chemical Engineering (MTMCE 2019), 14-16 June 2019.
4.Yang, Z.H; Guo, P.L. Chen, X. et. al. Heat and humidity performance of EPS and Rock wool board external thermal insulation system. 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, Materials and Chemical Engineering (MTMCE 2019), 14-16 June 2019.
5.Yang, Z.H., Song W.J., Yang J.H., et. al, High-Strength Ceramsite Made with Sludge and Low-Quality Fly Ash,Journal of materials in civil engineering,July, 2013. Vol. 25, No. 7:851~856.  



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