Contact Information

  • Name:Bo Chen
  • Phone:0086-21-39526230
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Research Fields:

Dr. Bo Chen, starts to work in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University from 2017. He did his PhD in condensed matters and materials physics at the London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN) and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London (UCL), UK, from 2008 to 2013, and won the Marshall Stoneham Prize for Outstanding Postgraduate Research for his PhD dissertation from UCL. Then he worked as a Post-doctoral Research Associate at the LCN, UCL and the Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), from 2013 to 2016. Currently, he is in charge of building and running a serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM) laboratory, a three-dimensional (3D) SEM facility, in Tongji University.

Dr. Bo Chen’s research interests are falling in developing and applying 3D X-ray, especially synchrotron-based X-ray, and electron imaging techniques to quantitatively study the 3D nano- and micro-spatial structure of condensed matters and materials. He is also interested in doing materials property simulations based on the measured real 3D structures, and establishing the relationships between the materials structure and properties. The synchrotron-based X-ray imaging techniques he is mostly interested in are ptychographic X-ray computed tomography (PXCT), Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (BCDI) and coherent X-ray modulation imaging (CMI). The 3D electron imaging methods he is working on are SBFSEM and FIB-SEM.


Current Courses:

Investigation and Analysis Methods for Materials Nano- and Micro-Structures(Full English Course)




1.PI: the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s General Grant (No. 51971160, from 2020) on 3D structure evolution of Metallic Glass coatings;
2.PI: Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program (Grant No. 18PJ1410400, from 2018) on 3D structure of Metallic Glasses;
3.Co-Investigator and Local Manager: Tongji High-level Talent Program (Grant No. 152221 and 152243 from 2015): Materials Nanostructure
4.Co-Investigator: Large-scale Scientific Facility Project (the Ministry of Education of PRC, from 2018)
5.PI: European BioStruct-X Projects (BioStructX_9559 and BioStructx_6147) on 3D structure of Human Chromosomes
6.Co-Investigator: the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s Young Scholars’ Grant (No. 51102181) on 3D structure of cement-based materials
7.Participated: EPSRC-UK Grant: Phase modulation technology for X-ray imaging
8.Participated: BBSRC-UK Grant: Imaging chromosomes by coherent X-ray diffraction
9.Participated: ERC Advanced Grant (EU): Exploration of strains in synthetic nanocrystals  



1. B. Chen*, M. Yusuf, T. Hashimoto, A. Estandarte, G. Thompson & I. Robinson. Three-Dimensional Positioning and Structure of Chromosomes in a Human Prophase Nucleus. Science Advances 3, e1602231 (2017).
2. B. Chen*, J. Diao, Q. Luo*, W. Lin, J. Rawle, X. Liu, C. Nicklin, J. Shen & I. Robinson. In-situ Investigation of Crystallization and Structural Evolution of a Metallic Glass in Three Dimensions at Nano-scale. Accepted by Materials & Design (2020).
3. F. Zhang, B. Chen, G. R. Morrison, M. Guizar-Sicairos & I. K. Robinson. Phase retrieval by coherent modulation imaging. Nature Communications. 7, 13367 (2016).
4. H. Fan†, B. Chen†, S. Li*, Y. Yu, H. Xu, M. Jiang, Y. Huang and J. Li*. Nanocrystalline Li-Al-Mn-Si foil as reversible Li host: electronic percolation and electrochemical cycling stability. Nano Letters (2019), online, (Equally contributed first author)
5. Y. Huang†, B. Chen†, J. Duan†, F. Yang, T. Wang, Z. Wang, W. Yang, C. Hu, W. Luo* and Y. Huang*. Graphitic Carbon Nitride (g-C3N4): An Interface Enabler for Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries. Angewandte Chemie. 132, 2-8 (2020) (Equally contributed first author)
6. B. Chen*, M. Guizar-Sicairos, G. Xiong, L. Shemilt, A. Diaz, J. Nutter, N. Burdet, S. Huo, J. Mancuso, A. Monteith, F. Vergeer, A. Burgess & I. Robinson. Three-Dimensional Structure Analysis and Percolation Properties of a Barrier Marine Coating. Sci. Rep. 3, 1177 (2013).
7. C. Sun, X. Shi, L. Zheng, B. Chen* and W. Li*. Transport properties of p-type CaMg2Bi2 thermoelectrics. Journal of Materiomics 5, 567-573 (2019) (Corresponding author)
8. X. Shi*,†, N. Burdet†, B. Chen, G. Xiong, R. Streubel, R. Harder and I.K. Robinson. X-ray Ptychography on low-dimensional hard-condensed matter materials. Applied Physics Reviews 6, 011306 (2019)
9. B. Chen*, W. Lin, X. Liu*, F. Iacoviello, P. Shearing & I. Robinson. Pore Structure Development during Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate by X-ray Nano-imaging in Three Dimensions. Construction and Building Materials 200, 318-323 (2019).
10. J. Lu, B. Chen*, X. Liu, F. Yang & I.K. Robinson*. 3D Microstructure Reconstruction of Casting Aluminum Alloy Based on Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 778, 721-730 (2019). (Corresponding author)
11. Y. Zhao, X. Liu*, B. Chen*, F. Yang, Y. Zhang, P. Wang and I. Robinson. Three-Dimensional Characterization of Hardened Paste of Hydrated Tricalcium Silicate by Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy. Materials 12, 1882 (2019). (Corresponding author)
12. Q. Chen, H. Zhu, J.W. Ju, Z. Yan, Z. Jiang, B. Chen*, Y. Wang and Z. Fan. Stochastic micromechanical predictions for the probabilistic behavior of saturated concrete repaired by the electrochemical deposition method. International Journal of Damage Mechanics (2019) online (Corresponding author)
13. F. Yang†, B. Chen*,†, T. Hashimoto, Y. Zhang, G. Thompson & I. Robinson. Investigation of three-dimensional structure and pigment surrounding environment of a TiO2 containing waterborne paint. Materials 12, 464 (2019). (Corresponding author)
14. X. Bai, B. Chen*, F. Yang, X. Liu, D. Silva-Nunes and Ian Robinson* Three-dimensional imaging and analysis of internal structure of SAPO-34 zeolite crystals. RSC Advances 8, 33631-33636 (2018). (Corresponding author)
15. X. Liu*, W. Lin, B. Chen*, F. Zhang, P. Zhao, A. Parsons, C. Rau & I. Robinson. Coherent Diffraction study of Calcite Crystallization during the Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate. Materials & Design 157, 251-257 (2018). (Corresponding author)
16. F. Yang, X. Liu, Y. Zhao, Y. Zhang, P. Wang, I. Robinson & B. Chen*. Investigation of Three-dimensional Microstructure of Tricalcium Silicate (C3S) by Electron Microscopy. Materials 11, 1110 (2018). (Corresponding author)
17. J. Diao, B. Chen*, Q. Luo, W. Lin, X. Liu, J. Shen & I. Robinson. Nucleation of Fractal Nanocrystallites upon Annealing of Fe-based Metallic Glass. Journal of Materials Research 32, 1880-1887 (2017). (Corresponding author)
18. B. Chen*, T. Hashimoto, F. Vergeer, A. Burgess, G. Thompson & I. Robinson. Three-dimensional analysis of the spatial distribution of iron oxide particles in a decorative coating by electron microscopic imaging. Prog.Org. Coat. 77, 1069-1072 (2014).
19. F. Zhang, I. Peterson, J. Vila-Comamala, A. Diaz, F. Berenguer, R. Bean, B. Chen, A. Menzel, I. K. Robinson & J. M. Rodenburg. Translation Position Determination in Ptychographic Coherent Diffraction Imaging. Optics Express 21, 13592-13606 (2013).
20. B. Chen*, F. Zhang, F. Berenguer, R. J. Bean, C. M. Kewish, J. Vila-Comamala, Y. S. Chu, J. M. Rodenburg & I. K. Robinson. Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging of Paint Pigment Particles by Scanning a Phase Plate Modulator. New Journal of Physics 13, 103022 (2011).
21. 杨飞,刘贤萍*,赵永娟,王培铭,陈波*. 硅酸三钙硬化浆体三维空间结构的连续切片成像研究. 电子显微学报 39(2-3), (2020). (已接收,通讯作者)
22. 杨飞,刘贤萍,赵永娟,陈波*. 连续切片扫描电子显微镜在硅酸三钙研究中的初步应用. 电子显微学报 37(4), 355-360 (2018). (通讯作者)
23. Z. Yao, X. Zhang, J. Shen, B. Chen, R. Ang* and W. Li*. Evaluation of thermoelectric CdSnAs2 with intrinsically low effective mass. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 809, 151772 (2019).
24. L. Zheng, J. Li, B. Zhou, H. Liu, Z. Bu, B. Chen, R. Ang* and W. Li*. Thermoelectric properties of p-type MnSe. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 789, 953-959 (2019)
25. D.D. Liang, X.S. Wei*, T.C. Ma, B. Chen, H.R. Jiang, Y. Dong, J. Shen. Sliding tribocorrosion behavior of Fe-based bulk metallic glass under corrosive environments. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 510, 62-70 (2019)
26. M. Yusuf, F. Zhang, B. Chen, A. Bhartiya, K. Cunnea, U. Wagner, et al. Procedures for cryogenic X-ray ptychographic imaging of biological samples. IUCrJ. 4, 147-151 (2017).
27. M. Monteforte, A. K. Estandarte, B. Chen, R. Harder, M. Huang, I. K. Robinson. Novel Silica Stabilisation Method for the Analysis of Fine Nanocrystals using Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 23, 953-958 (2016)
28. I. Robinson, J. Schwenke, M. Yusuf, A. Estandarte, F. Zhang, B. Chen, et al. Towards Single Particle Imaging of Human Chromosomes at SACLA. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48, 244007 (2015).
29. X. Liu, M. A. G. Aranda, B. Chen, P. Wang, R. Harder, I. Robinson. In Situ Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging Study of a Cement Phase Microcrystal during Hydration. Cryst. Growth Des.15, 3087-3091 (2015).
30. M. Yusuf, B. Chen, T. Hashimoto, A. K. Estandarte, G. Thompson, I. Robinson. Staining and embedding of human chromosomes for 3D serial block face scanning electron microscopy. BioTechniques 57, 302-307 (2014).
31. 孙军*,陈波 & 龙燕妤. 氯喹在体外对疟色素形成的条件性抑制. 中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志27(2), 120-124 (2009).
32. 王培铭, 陈波 & 吴建国. 水泥浆体中钙矾石形成发展的X射线衍射原位测试法. 材料导报 21(12A), 8-10 (2007).  



Pre:Xiaoli Zhao

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