Contact Information

  • Name:Wen Li
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Research Fields:

Thermoelectric Materials


Current Courses:

Thermodynamics of Materials




1.National Natural Science Foundation of China
2.Shanghai Natural Science Foundation




1.Y. Xiao, Y. Wu, P. Nan, H. Dong, Z. Chen, Z. Chen, H. Gu, B. Ge, W. Li*, Y. Pei*, “Cu-interstitials enable carriers and dislocations for thermoelectric enhancements in n-PbTe0.75Se0.25”, Chem, (2020) 10.1016/j.chempr.2020.01.002.
2.C. Sun, X. Shi, L. Zheng, B. Chen*, W. Li*, “Transport properties of p-type CaMg2Bi2 thermoelectrics”, Journal of Materiomics, 5 (2019) 567.
3.H. Liu, X. Zhang, J. Li, Z. Bu, X. Meng, R. Ang*, W. Li*, “Band and Phonon Engineering for Thermoelectric Enhancements of Rhombohedral GeTe”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11 (2019) 30756.
4.B. Gao, J. Tang, F. Meng, W. Li*, “Band manipulation for high thermoelectric performance in SnTe through heavy CdSe-alloying”, Journal of Materiomics, 5 (2019) 111.
5.W. Li, S. Lin, M. Weiss, Z. Chen, J. Li, Y. Xu, W. G. Zeier, Y. Pei*, Crystal Structure Induced Ultral-low Lattice thermal Conductivity in Thermoelectric Ag9AlSe6, Advanced Energy Materials, 8 (2018) 1800030.
6.J. Li, W. Li*, Z. Bu, X. Wang, B. Gao, F. Xiong, Y. Chen, Y. Pei*, “Thermoelectric Transport Properties of CdxBiyGe1-x-yTe alloys”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10 (2018) 39904.
7.W. Li, L. Zheng, B. Ge, S. Lin, X. Zhang, Z. Chen, Y. Chang, Y. Pei*, “Promoting SnTe as an eco-friendly solution for p-PbTe thermoelectric via band convergence and interstitial defects”, Advanced Materials, 29 (2017) 1605887. (ESI)
8.W. Li, Y. Wu, S. Lin, Z. Chen, J. Li, X. Zhang, L. Zheng, Y. Pei*, “Advances in Environment-Friendly SnTe Thermoelectrics”, ACS Energy Letters, 2 (2017) 2349. (Cover Paper)
9.Y. Xu, W. Li*, C. Wang, J. Li, Z. Chen, S. Lin, Y. Chen, Y. Pei*, “Performance optimization and single parabolic band behavior of thermoelectric MnTe”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 19143.
10.X. Wang, W. Li*, C. Wang, J. Li, X. Zhang, B. Zhou, Y. Chen, Y. Pei*, “Single parabolic band transport in p-type EuZn2Sb2 thermoelectrics”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 24185.
11.S. Lin, W. Li*, Z. Chen, J. Shen, B. Ge, Y. Pei*, “Tellurium as a high-performance elemental thermoelectric”, Nature Communications, 7 (2016) 10287. (ESI)
12.W. Li, S. Lin, X. Zhang, Z. Chen, X. Xu, Y. Pei*, “Thermoelectric properties of Cu2SnSe4 with intrinsic vacancy”, Chemistry of Materials, 28 (2016) 6627.
13.W. Li, S. Lin, B. Ge, J. Yang, W. Zhang, Y. Pei*, “Low Sound Velocity Contributing to the High Thermoelectric Performance of Ag8SnSe6”, Advanced Science, 3 (2016) 1600196. (ESI)
14.W. Li, Z. Chen, S. Lin, Y. Chang, B. Ge, Y. Chen, Y. Pei*, “Band and scattering tuning for high performance thermoelectric Sn1−xMnxTe alloys”, Journal of Materiomics, 1 (2015) 307.



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