About US

The Department of InorganicMaterials was established in July 2015,inSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University. The Department consists of threecore research sections, including metal-based materials, inorganic non-metallic materials and functional materials.

The inorganic materials can be closely integrated with engineering. It has obvious advantages of cross-discipline with civil engineering, architecture, transportation, automobile, medicine, aerospace, machinery, etc. Our Department has great influences in fields of ferroelectric, piezoelectric materials, magnetic materials, lightweight materials, new energy materials, biological materials, environmental functional materials and optical functional materials in China. In the future, we aim to develop the field of New functional materials and devices.

The Department of InorganicMaterials has a strong faculty, including 1 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 Changjiang Scholars, 2 winners of the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, 2 winner of the outstanding youth science foundation of China, 1 experts supported by the“Thousand Young Talents Program”, and 8 experts supported by the“Shanghai Talent Plan”. There are 22 senior staff, 11 vice-senior staff, 7 middle staff, and 3 laboratory staff, totaling 43 staff.

The Department of Inorganic Materials undertakes the training in the field of functional materials for undergraduates and postgraduates. Our department provide teaching and talent training of the main courses of new energy materials and devices. We set up

Undergraduate professional platform courses:such as Fundamentals of Materials Science, Materials Characterization Methods, Fundamentals of Solid-state Physics, Foundation of Computational Materials Science, etc.

Professional courses:such as Theory of Functional Materials, Physical Properties of Materials, Synthesis of Functional Materials, Lithium Ion Battery Materials and Devices and Fuel Battery materials and devices.

Interdisciplinary courses:more than ten interdisciplinary courses have been opened to meet the needs of cross-integration talents, including the fields of new energy materials, information materials, biomaterials, new materials for vehicles and additive manufacturing

Other courses:such as modules courses for seven different majors in the field of metals and inorganic non-metallic materials.

The Department of Inorganic Materials aims to cultivate high-end professionals in the field of new energy materials, iron functional materials and devices, bio-functional materials, optical functional materials, metal functional materials, nano-structure materials, transportation engineering materials and environmental engineering materials. On average, more than 20 doctoral students and nearly 50 master students are enrolled each year. Since the establishment of the Department, the Department of Inorganic Materials has won many achievements. We have won

the outstanding winner of“Challenge Cup”Technological Innovation Competition,

the Excellence Student Award of Tongji University

the "Academic Pioneer" of graduate student in Tongji University, etc.

In recent years, thanks to the support of

National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program)

National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program)

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

National Key Technology Research and Development Program of China during the “12th Five-Year Plan”and the“13thFive-Year Plan”

other military and provincial-level planning projects

more than 10most-citedpapers have been published. What’s more, our Department has obtained nearly 100 National Invention Patents and several provincial and ministerial-level technical invention awards.

The Department of Inorganic Materials is focusing on the research of following fields, including

New energy materials:such as energy conversion and storage materials, environmentally friendly materials and energy-saving materials

Nano materials:researches on preparation and characterization of atomic-level precision nanostructures and materials (Carbyne, Graphene, etc.)

Ferric functional materials and devices:such as ferroelectric, piezoelectric ceramics, ferroelectric-magneto-optical coupling multifunctional materials, etc.

Lightweight materials:researches on preparation and performances of lightweight materials in vehicles

New inorganic functional materials:researches on new preparation technologies of new inorganic functional materials, such as biological functional glass and ceramics, optical functional materials, environmental functional materials, information sensing materials, etc.

Copyright © 2018 School Of Materials Science And Engineering , Tongji University 

E-mail:newscenter@tongji.edu.cn Tel:021-69584723 ICP:2445851

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